
Wednesday 6 March 2024

Billionaire, Arthur Eze Accused Of Using Policemen, EFCC Operatives To Evict Another Late Brother’s Family, Onyeka Eze


A Nigerian billionaire, Arthur Eze, has allegedly forcefully evicted another son of his brother, Prince Onyeka Eze and his family from their house using the police to carry out the operation after claiming ownership of the property.

SaharaReporters gathered that Arthur stormed the property located at No. 2 Victor Nwodo close GRA Enugu by Ubakwu street GRA ,Enugu State alongside armed policemen and ordered Prince Onyeka and his family out without allowing them to carry any of their properties while laying claim of ownership to both house and everything inside.

Arthur claimed to be acting on the purported final forfeiture order secured by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission ( EFCC) from the Federal High Court.

Meanwhile the execution was illegally carried out since notice of appeal and motion for stay was served on the parties involved and the matter is still pending at the Supreme Court.

But the Federal High Court Enugu through the Deputy Chief Registrar, Ekperobe Femi in a letter dated 31st March 2023 addressed to Onyeka’s lawyer, Gabriel Onovo, confirmed the Notice of Appeal and Motion for Stay filed by the lawyer.

The letter which was a response to the request by Prince Onyeka’s lawyer requesting for the confirmation of writs of execution in respect of judgement in Suit No FHC/EN/CS/83/2021 Economic and Financial Crimes Commission V Olisaebuka Okwuchukwu Eze & Anor and Suit No. FHC/EN/CS/84/2021 Economic and Financial Crimes Commission V Onyeka Nnadozie Eze & Anor the court.

The letter read in part “ In summary, the execution was carried out by the Registry of the Federal High Court In company of men of the Police Force Enugu Command on 29th March, 2023”

Recall that Arthur in November 2020 dragged his two nephews, Olisaebuka Okwuchukwu Eze and Prince Onyeka Eze before a Federal Capital Territory High Court and Federal High Court after he accused them of fraudulently diverting his fund for private gratification.

It was gathered that Arthur personally invaded the premises of Onyeka’s house with armed policemen who forced their way into the building through the fence and threw out the occupants and their properties.

In a CCTV exclusively obtained by SaharaReporters Arthur was seen when he got out of his car and ordered the policemen to enter the premises via fence and ejected the family.

He also supervised the policemen when he ordered them to collect rent from the tenants occupying some of the properties belonging to Olisa and Onyeka in both Enugu and Abuja.

Arthur had in a letter he personally signed threatened the tenants with police when he asked them to discontinue paying rent to Prince Olisa and Prince Onyeka telling that he has taken the ownership of the properties citing an order of final forfeiture made by the Federal High Court, Enugu Division in Suit No. FHC/EN/CS/83/21 (EFCC V. OLISÄEBUKA OKWUCHUKWU EZE & ANOR).

The letter read in part “ In view of the above therefore, the status quo is that I am in physical possession of the properties by virtue of the execution of the Order of final forfeiture of the Federal High Court; I am therefore your Landlord and not Prince Olisa Eze.

“It is equally pertinent for you to know that Prince Olisa Okwuchukwu and Prince Önyeka Nnadozie Eze are presently standing trial over a criminal charge at the FCT High Court Abuja and Federal High Court preferred against them which Arthur is using EFCC to prosecute.

“Recall that I had already held a meeting with all the tenants in the property subject of this letter, in which I benevolently waived off twenty percent off each tenant’s rent. It will therefore be in your best interest to maintain that cordiality.

“In that regard therefore, I hereby give you notice to pay your due rent by raising a draft in my name(Prince Arthur Ikpechukwu Eze) after which you should promptly submit your proof of payment to the chambers of my Solicitors (OLI & PARTNERS), at No. 3A Onoh Crescent, CRA, Enugu.

“Take further notice that your strict adherence to, and compliance with the foregoing instructions will determine your continued tenancy in the property”

A source under the condition of anonymity said, “Prince Arthur Ikpechukwu Eze, What a shame that you want to start collecting rent from your nephew, Prince Olisa Eze’s tenants. Does it mean that Arthur Eze can’t sustain himself without rent?”

The billionaire had recently raised an alarm when he petitioned Enugu State Police Command accusing his nephew,Prince Olisa of planning with some people to kidnap and assassinate him with others.

The police who are also doing his bidding declared Prince Olisa wanted and in the process arrested some persons over the allegation. The case was charged to court but was later thrown out for lack of evidence while those arrested were discharged.

A source who spoke to SaharaReporters said the billionaire had continued to victimize and frustrate his nephews despite the olive branch of forgiveness and reconciliation he extended to them during their later grandfather’s memorial service held 24 December,2023 at St Mary’s Anglican Church ,in Ukpo, Oranto village, Anambra.

SaharaReporters had on September 2, 2022, reported how Arthur led some armed policemen and evicted Prince Olisa and his family from their residence located at No. 5 Ifeanyi Ararume Street, Mabushi Abuja with the claim of taking the possession of the property.

Meanwhile a letter from FCT High Court denied the illegality and insisted that Prince Olisa Eze & family was never evicted by the court.

– Source: SaharaReporters

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Billionaire, Arthur Eze Accused Of Using Policemen, EFCC Operatives To Evict Another Late Brother’s Family, Onyeka Eze

  A Nigerian billionaire, Arthur Eze, has allegedly forcefully evicted another son of his brother, Prince Onyeka Eze and his family from the...